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How to Remove Widgets from the Dashboard.

If you've downloaded and installed additional widgets in Dashboard, you can later remove them.

  1. Open Dashboard, then click the Open (+) button to reveal the widget bar.
  2. Click Manage Widgets to open the Widgets Dashboard widget.
    Widgets that can be removed have a red Remove (-) button after their names.
  3. Click the Remove (-) button to remove the widget.

  4. Click OK to confirm that you want to move the widget to the Trash.

You cannot remove the standard Mac OS X widgets that come with Dashboard, only widgets that you've added.

Summarize - OS X Overlooked Feature
Source: TechPwn

One of the most hidden, yet very valuable features in Mac OS X is “Summarize”. It is a very self-explanatory feature that can be found in the services menu, which is itself a very underused part of OS X. What it does is it takes an selection of text and generates a very precise summary of the text. Here is how to use summarize…

1. Open the program that holds the text you would like to summarize (it doesn’t work on some programs, it works best on Mac programs like Safari, etc., but read below for a tip on how to make it work with any text)

2. Highlight the text that you want to summarize and click the program name you are using in the menu bar.

3. Navigate down to the services selection, and in there you will find “Summarize”.

4. After you click it, a window will instantly pop open with your summary in there. There are a few customizable options such as going from sentences to paragraphs, but it is pretty simple.

This is an awesome feature if you want to read a long article but don’t have a ton of time. It is also a great feature and tool for students who have long online reading assignments. It is amazing how accurate this summary actually is. It uses popular keywords and phrases to put the summaries together.

Tip: If the application you are using doesn’t support services, all you have to do is copy the text into a TextEdit (if you never use this, just search for it in Spotlight) document and then summarize it.

Works great on long news articles!

Searching Just Your Bookmarks

If you’re trying to search for a particular bookmark, you’ll want to know this trick: First, click on the Show All Bookmarks icon in the top-left corner of the Bookmarks Bar. Doing this makes the Collections column visible on the left side of Safari, but more importantly, it adds a Search field at the bottom center of the Safari window. When you type search terms in this field, it searches just within your bookmarks, so you get super-fast results. Source: Apple.com

Change the Look of Your Toolbars

Command-click window toolbar button (upper right corner) to cycle through 6 different looks.

Change the look of your toolbars. Command - click the window toolbar button to cycle through 6 different views.

How to Change the Look of Your Folders and Files with Icons

There are all kinds of colorful, fun looking icons out there for you to customize your Mac with. Any folder or file can be changed easily with the instructions below.

  1. Select a file or folder with the icon you want to use.
  2. Press Command-I to bring up the Inspector panel.
  3. Click on the icon in the upper left corner of the Inspector panel (a border should appear around the icon.)
  4. Press Command-C to copy the icon.
  5. Select the file or folder that you want to customize.
  6. Press Command-I to bring up the Inspector panel. Again click on the icon in the upper left corner of the panel.
  7. Press Command-V to paste the icon. Close both Inspector panels.

Need icons to customize your Mac? Check out the links below:

Revert Back to the Original Icon
If you don’t like the icon you just applied you can easily revert back to the original. Open the Inspector window for the icon you want to remove. Click on the icon so that it has a border around it. Select 'Cut' from the Edit menu (press command-x). The icon will revert to its original form.


Modifier Keys

If you sometimes hit the CAPS LOCK key while typing and you do not notice it right away, you might have to retype a line or two. This is seldom much fun. However, there is a way in OS X Tiger to prevent this from ever happening. Just open System Preferences and select the Keyboard & Mouse pane. Click on the Keyboard tab and then the Modifier Keys button. Here you can reset the Caps Lock key to have "no action" and you can also reset the Control, Option, and Command keys to behave as you want. If you are using a Services-aware application, the Convert service can perform a number of useful modifications to typed text.
Tip sent in by Gary Brandt.


Tips and Tricks for iLife
From Kibbles & Bytes Newsletter #407, March 25, 2005

I love searching the Internet for new tricks. Here are tips and tricks
web sites for each of the iLife applications.







Burn Sessions on a CDR Without Extra Software.
by Troy Kingsbury (Troy@smalldog.com)

I just discovered a way to burn a CD-R on your 10.3 OS-installed computer using the Disk Utility. Before I discovered this, the only way that I knew to complete this function was to use third-party software such as Roxio Toast. I found this while surfing around the Apple Knowledge Base last night.


Here are the steps:

1. Create a folder for the session and drag the items you want to burn into the folder.
2. Open Disk Utility, located in Applications/Utilities.
3. Select Images > New > "Image from Folder." Then select the folder you created in the navigation window and click Open.
4. Type a name for the image, choose a disk format (I used Read Only), and click Save.
5. When the disk image is complete, select it in the left column of the Disk Utility window.
6. Choose Images > Burn or click Burn in the tool bar.
7. Insert a blank CD in the optical drive.
8. Select the "Leave disc appendable" check box. If you don't see this option, click the triangle in the top-right corner to see this option.
9. Click Burn.

Now to add to the disc later, follow the steps above to create a new disc image and burn it to the disc.

I do not know how many times that I have burnt a disk for just a little file because I do not have Toast installed on my computer. Now I should be able to conserve just a little bit more on the disks that I use, and hopefully you can, too!


Automatically Open Your Favorite Apps or Documents When You Login

Setting up a User's Login

  • In Login Items, any user (including yourself) can choose to have certain items automatically open during the login process. You can have your favorite applications open, or utilities, documents, even movies or music. If you choose to have a document open, the application it was crated in will have to open, as well, even if you don't have it in the list.

  • The files will open in the order they are listed. Drag any file in the list up or down to change the order.

  • If you don't want to see a certain application right away, click in the box to hide it. It will still open, but its windows won;t be visible on the screen. The application icon in the Dock will have the triangle, though, so you know it's open and you can access it at any time.

  • It doesn't work very well to add Classic applications to the Login Items.


Dock shortcuts

  • To hide all but one program, press Command+Option and click on its Dock icon and all other applications and windows hide instantly.

  • If you press Control and click a Dock icon, it pops up immediately without any delay.

  • Holding down the Option key when you resize the Dock causes it to "snap" to only the exact sizes in icon resources for Mac OS X. The story is that since the icons don't need to be rescaled and redrawn on the fly, you're supposed to see some performance improvement on some systems.


How much RAM are you using in OS X?

  • Open the process viewer, found in the Utilities folder.


You can copy and paste icons to custom identify different document folders or other resources in the Dock.

  • Show info on the item you want to copy from, then select the icon and copy (Ctrl+C). Show info on the destination document, select the icon, then paste (Ctrl+V).


Mac OS X 10.2 introduces features for taking screen captures, also known as screens shots.

AppleCare Knowledge Base article 107071:

As in earlier versions of Mac OS X, the Command-Shift-4 key combination allows you to capture a selection of your screen using a cross-hair mouse pointer. To cancel the capture, press the Esc key.

Additional features for version 10.2 include:

  • Hold down the Control key along with Command-Shift-4 or Command-Shift-3 to capture to the clipboard instead of to a file.

  • Press the Space bar along with Command-Shift-4 the crosshairs icon turns into a camera. Move the camera over your windows and the system highlights them, indicating that the highlighted item will be the only area of the screen captured. To capture that area, click the mouse on the item.


Shutting down ASAP

If you own a PowerBook G4 or iBook, you've no doubt used the power button to quickly display the dialog that lets you shut down, restart, or put your Mac to sleep. But don't feel slighted if you own a desktop Mac. As Scott Kelby points out in his book, "Mac OS X Killer Tips," a similar trick involving the Eject key (the upper-right key on the keypad normally used to eject disks from the optical drive) works just as handily:

  • "Simply press Control-Eject and you get the same Shutdown dialog. By the way, once the dialog appears, you don't actually have to use the mouse: Typing R(estart), S(leep), or C(ancel) works the same as clicking that button. It's mega quick."


Want to create your own screensaver from your personal photos?

In OS X it is easy as drag and drop...

  • Navigate to /Library/Image Capture/Scripts/. You will find a script called Build Slide Show. Just drag the images you want to be in your Screensaver to the application icon and drop them. The application will create the configuration file for the screensaver and place it in the Users/your-computers-name/Library/Screen Savers folder. By default, the program will name your screensaver RecentPhotos.slideSaver. If you want to create another you will have to rename your first file because the application will automatically overwrite the file.

Mac OS X has multiple Fonts folders. Where you install a font determines when and who can use it.

  • See the AppleCare Knowledge Base article describing the different font folders and the applications that use it. Article: 106417


Assigning file types to open in certain applications.

Select the file you want to open (don't double click.) Then up in the main menu click on File > Open With then choose Other...

Open With...

You will get a dialog box to choose the application you want. Also in the Dialog box is a small check box below your choices that says "Always Open With". Check this.

Open With Dialog box


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